Monday, 1 February 2016

5 easy and Natural Hair Care tips

Not just women, but men conjointly love their hairs. Some wish to use completely different and innovative hairstyles and a few proud on their natural hairstyle. In this dynamic era, everyday folks strive for innovative hairstyles to be in the race of Fashion. The result is premature loss of hair-breakage, hair began to possess common complaints like weakness. Fashion, pollution, stress, unhealthy food made beautiful and stunning hairs as a dream. However this dream will become reality if we try some natural hair care tips.

5 Natural Hair Care Tips at Home:

Coconut oil massage

Day by day, we are progressing to forget the benefits of coconut oil. Coconut oil is incredibly beneficial for the hair firmly. If we have 15 minutes of daily massage with coconut oil to the hair, hairs in result will become Silky and hair loss will also stop.

Massage with honey and eggs

Honey is best for hair nourishment. It nourishes the hair roots. If the honey is mixed with egg yolk, its effect will be doubled. Scalp i.e. hair roots get a very important protein from them i.e. Keratin.

Alba oil massage

Alba oil’s (Bring raj oil’s) medicinal properties gave enough benefits to hairs. Daily massage by Alba oil results in thick and black hairs. It also stops hair loss. Even its regular application helps in dandruff reduction. It additionally transmits coolness in head.

Almond oil massage

Almond not only keeps the brain healthy but also provide vital nutrition to hairs. Vitamin E is found in almonds, which strengthens the hair. Once a week, Almond oil massage should be given to hairs. By using it, hair loss stops automatically.

Moisturize your Hairs

To moisturize hairs, use five types of oil. Almond, castor, olive, coconut and lavender oil.  Mix equal amounts of all five oils. Massage your hairs by this mixture of oils and then leave it up to four hours. Try this twice in a week. It would provide shining in the hairs and will also strengthen the hair roots.

Do’s for Hair Care

§      Keep your scalp clean
§      Use mild shampoo daily
§      Give oil massage to your hairs once a week for 15 minutes
§      Always use herbal hair products
§      Use hair serum in dry and lifeless hair for hair shinning
§      Keep your hairs dry
§      Massage the hair roots

Don’ts for Hair Care

§      Avoid hair color as much as possible
§      Do not use too much Hair gel and hair spray
§      Do not tie wet hairs, it may carries the risk of skin infection

§      Avoid excessive use of hair beauty products available in the market like hair color, hair dye, hair gel etc.

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